by Emily Samson

Have you struggled in the past to get to where you want to be because of...

  • Misinformation - you think exhaustive cardio & HIIT are the only ways to burn body fat

  • Fear of Restriction - you think you have to be on super low calories or a juice cleanse

  • Lack of belief/deserving (can't do it/never been able to do it)

  • Lack of time/consistency/energy around the kids and other life demands

Instead, imagine this...

  • It can be something you enjoy and doesn't need to be timely or unapproachable

  • There are ways to not feel at all restricted with nutrition

  • You CAN absolutely be that version of yourself you want to be!

  • It CAN fit in to your lifestyle and the time you have available


The Fit Mum Formula

When you work with me, you will go from feeling fed up, exhausted, confused and defeated...feeling like you’re never going to get to where you want to be & tempted by every quick fix you see!

Instead, feel like you have the knowledge, support, tools & power within to implement exactly what you need - so you can:

  • Improve your energy

  • Gain strength 

  • Burn fat

  • Build muscle

  • Achieve your goal physique 

  • Be in a better mindset

  • Get better sleep

  • Improve your everyday focus

  • Increase your confidence and SHINE!

And if you haven’t got to where you want to be before on a programme then it might be because you haven’t had the right support.

If you work with me, I will: support, empower & help educate you, equipping you with the tools you need to get the results you want & provide you with the coping strategies you need for when times get hard (which they can and most certainly will!). 

I will provide you with the support to change your mindset & I’ll be there for you to turn to when you get overwhelmed.

Together we can BREAK the cycle

My coaching is based upon these key pillars:










My approach is based on implementing bespoke adjustments to your lifestyle through training, movement and nutrition. I work closely with my clients to design a program that works for them and fits into their daily/weekly schedule - however hectic it may be. I then support them as they go, providing accountability, solutions & making changes whenever necessary.

Everything is planned & structured (though not rigid!), always progressing towards a tracked goal & using calculated protocols - not just stabbing in the dark and hoping it happens!


If you are after a quick fix then I am not your trainer. One of my goals is to provide my clients with the knowledge they need for life so that they can always use these tools to keep them where they want to be or get them back on track.

I have been using my methods myself since before and after having 2 babies, it is tried and tested with myself (and many of my clients) so I completely understand where you’re at ….I’m not tempted by quick fixes as I know I will achieve long lasting results by taking the time to do things properly and without feeling overly restricted.

Let’s be honest - anyone can be super restrictive and 100% strict for a week or two and then it all falls down as it’s just not sustainable. My method is to teach you how to make realistic strategic moves that will get you closer to your goal week on week.

Are you ready to make a change?

Let’s do it!