
  • Homemade granola, yoghurt & berries

    Ingredients: oats, nuts and seeds, coconut oil, honey, cinnamon

    Method: mix all the ingredients in a bowl and then lay it out flat on a baking tray lined with parchment. The mixture needs to be spread out evenly – ish so it can bake but not so far apart it doesn’t stick together a bit.

    Bake until golden brown. You can make a huge batch of this and keep it in an airtight container. So much better than shop bought!

    Add the yogurt and berries to the granola.

  • Overnight oats

    Ingredients: Oats 50g, 150ml any milk, nuts/nut butter, berries (+ anything else you want to add!)

    Method: Mix oats with milk in a Tupperware box or glass jar. Add berries, nuts, nut butter – anything extra you like! And stir well.

    Leave in the fridge overnight – in the morning you’ll have lovely yummy soaked oats!

    (If you are adding protein powder it’s best to mix this into the oats when they are dry – before you add milk!)

  • Pancakes (normal or protein!)

    Ingredients: 1 x banana, 1 x egg, 1 x scoop of protein powder OR around 40g x any flour (whey protein works well on it’s own, with vegan protein you may need to add some flour too)

    Method: Whizz all ingredients in a blender then pour the mixture into the pan with a little oil melted in it.

    Top with whatever you like!